Friday, June 17, 2011

Creepy Cool

Hello Hello!  Guess what?  I finally have a non-digi page to show you!  He he!
I created this for one of the newest challenges up at Candy Shoppe Designs called
Just scrap about summer and you're good!

I scrapped this photo from our family trip to Hawaii last summer.  It was a weird, rainy, and windy day...but still much better than being in Washington so we had NO complaints!
We spent some time at Pali Lookout.

Pictures from the  Pali Lookout - Oahu, Hawaii

I love learning about history so reading about the bloody battle that took place here was both intriguing and creepy at the same time.  Basically King Kamehameha I united the Hawaiian Islands.  He would go to the islands conquering them.  On Oahu, he waged a battle against the island's defenders, driving them to this area.  It was a cliffside and the strategy for Kamehameha's soldiers was to drive the native inhabitant fighters over the cliffs, killing them.  The view is spectacular.  There you will also find an artist's depiction of the battle and soldiers being driven, swords in hand, off the cliff.

You definitely have this sort of creepy feeling as you look out onto the island.  As a child I remember many ghost stories.  People definitely try not to stop here at night!

Well thanks for stopping by!  Just whip up a quick layout and link up to CSD!
Ya never know, you could be the next winner!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pintrested, are you?

I am loving this inspiration photo!  It's part of Candy Shoppe Design's Pintrest Challenge.  That's not the only way you can participate, so head on over to the CSD Bloggy and learn more!  Enter and win a prize!

See what the Lollipop Girls created using this (or other Pintrest) photos!

I hope your week is going well!  I'm a busy bee as always!  Just got done organizing my stamps!  I've got an awesome system now and I bet I'll be stamping more now that I'm not overwhelmed by the unorganized cabinet full of stamps!  It feels so good!

Have you recently finished an organization project?  Tell me about it cuz I'm hoping to organize as much as I can like the kitchen cupboards, closets, shoes, etc...if you've got any links for me I would LOVE that as well!

Friday, June 10, 2011

love inspires

My Aunt and Uncle recently celebrated 13 years of marriage (and even longer as far as how long they've been together).  I don't know how they do it, but their love is truly inspiring.  They have so much respect and love for each other.  I'm so happy for them.  Boy do I love and admire these two....

I created this digi page for them for their special day.

I've been inspired by other things lately:

videos...particularly Jennifer Mcguire's Thinking Inking videos:

And this morning I was clicking through Scrapbook News and Review's home page and found a FUN AND INSPIRING post by the Featured Artist Katie Smith! I'll just say....PAPER BAG MINI, and leave it at that!  You have GOT to check it out!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just some inspiration!

I feel like creating.  Here's my inspiration.  Let's see if...or what happens!  Where do you get YOUR inspiration?

Thursday, June 2, 2011


My favorite kind of girls are the girly girls!
Skirts, pink, hairbows, princess dresses, and fabulous shoes!
That's what little girls are made of!

And these are two of my FAVE girly girls EVER!  My beautiful nieces Presley and London...

Girls by Maureen Esquillo-Kao Credits Digital Kit: Scrap Collaboration Kit Elements by Pink Reptile Designs; Font: Carbon Type by Philip Steffen

Too cute, I KNOW!

My daughter, Isabel is a NOT-SO-girly girl.  She likes pink here and there but prefers to be in jeans and a t-shirt!  Ha ha...but she does have her super-girly moments: bling, girly shoes, hairbows....

How bout you?
Are you GIRLY or NOT-SO-girly?

P.S.  I finally won at Sketchy Thursdays!  Yay!!!  So exctied to play with my cute prize pack from
Vintage Street Market!