Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Look What I Can Do!

I've been at it again!  Look what I was able to put together!
I'm using this page as my December Daily page for December 28.

The kids were curled up together watching t.v. while I went over some online tutorials for digital scrapbooking :)

Wow this could cut some of my scrapbooking time by ALOT!

I used elements from the kits I got after donating to Project Ewan!
The elements above were used with the Jen Martakis part of the kit.

It really is such a great package!  And you're contributing to helping children at the same time!
If you haven't already, please consider donating to Project Ewan!



  1. Tooooooooooooo cute cute cute!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. WOW!!! this is great! I sooo need to get my digi on!

  3. Super cute!! Be careful, digi is addictive! :)

  4. Isn't digi so much quicker!! I think i'm gonna have to start doing mine in digi, just so i can get something done. For some reason, over the past month or two, i have had no interest in scrapbooking...i am hoping it's just cause of everything that's been going on. I love your pics and does it cost much to do the Jessica Sprague lessons? I would like to do some for blog design, but don't really have a lot of cash right now. Maybe later though:) Your blog just looks great!

  5. You are rockin the digi!

    Hope you have a great 2011! Hugs to you!!!!!!!

  6. This looks great Mo! You are really rocking the digital work lately!

  7. Awww....those photos are sooooooo cute! :)

    Love anything that saves time!:)
    Best wishes for the new year!

  8. Well, look at you go! That's really cute, but can't go wrong with pics of those kiddos. ;-) Happy New Year!

  9. That is such a great way to contribute!! :) you're wonderful! :)
    and Thanks for dropping by Mo. :)


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