Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Cat's Outta the Bag!

Time to reveal the secret!

I'm one of the new Lollipop Girl's at Candy Shoppe Designs!

Check out the rest of the new girls and give em some love!

Come and play along for a chance to win a fabulous prize!


As I do most every year, I'm dressin' up!
The kids love it!  I'll be trick-or-treatin' with Iron Man and Supergirl!

Pictures to come soon!!


Friday, October 29, 2010

crazy lovin' and living....

New prompt up at The Pink Ninjas!!!!

Okay, so I couldn't find any Halloween photos to room's a MESS!

On my wedding day I had 7 changes of outfits!  Here's one of them!

New Endeavors....
Been itching to create....
This came about last night....
been thinking bout it for a couple weeks...

It's an art journal.
I used to write in a diary...started when I was 7.
My last entry...I was 23 or so....
It's been a long time.... document a new chapter in life, I've got this bad girl!
Life is a struggle sometimes.  This will help me get it all out...
maybe I can learn from myself along the way....
and if as i share...maybe you can too????

First entry:
I've realized that it's been quite awhile since I wrote in a journal...put my thoughts to paper.  I think I was 7 when I started writing in a diary.  Now I'm 34, married, with 2 children.  I'm living the dream I dreamed of as a child...but I wasn't prepared for the challenges that come along with reality.  It's a Learn-As-You-Go life.  No handbook can really tell you what to do because everyone is different with different hurdles and the unpredictability of how life unfolds can really be a roller coaster ride.  This is my journey...

Stay tuned for more....


Have you figured out my secret yet?
You'll find out on Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2 Monsters

Needed to share...found an old post never published....
I love my Monsters!

Still editing some photos...but here are a few taken on Pumpkining Day!
My kids had a blast!
And thank goodness the rain stayed away until early evening!


Wanna put your hat in to win?
C.S.D. has got another challenge up!
And this month's amazing sponsor is.....

Yah, I KNOW!

Goodies you may win...

You have till Halloween (Sun 31st) to play!
Challenge is "Numbers"...USE EM!

For more info visit CSD HERE and learn all the rules to play!
See what the DT created!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are you proud?

It's that time again...for another challenge at All About Me!
REMEMBER!  We've got a prize this month, so if you haven't've GOT to play along!
This is the second challenge for the month....hurry and make something
and maybe you'll win!

We scrapped about our Proudest Moment.

One of my proudest moments was when my daughter made a speech in Kindergarten.
The children modeled their speeches after Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech.
It was so adorable to see all these little babies speaking in front of a whole room of parents!
I'm sure there will be many more moments like these....
but this one I'll remember forever because it was one of the first, having my eldest child in gradeschool.

My girl makes me proud every day!

This was her lil speech:

"I have a dream, like Martin Luther King Jr.
I have a dream that all girls can have cats.
I have a dream that I can have a lotS of friends.
I have a dream that I can be smart.
I have a dream today!"

The sponsor this month is Scrap Freak...and you can win this
awesome embellishment kit!!!



And while we're at it....there's also a new challenge up at Candy Shoppe Designs you gotta get in on as well!
PLASTIC.....get more deets by checking out the challenge HERE!

The sponsor is Blue Moon Scrapbooking

And you can win this!

The lollipop girls have some AMAZING layouts to share for this challenge so CHECK IT OUT!

Folks must be super busy...take advantage and throw your hat in...
do them both!!!!!!

I've got a nice stretch of days off...phewww!
Now...I got to plan what to do!!!!!

What do you have going on???


Monday, October 18, 2010

Crafty idea to keep Mommies Sane!

What are these?  My latest tool to keep me sane!

I've been meaning to make these for the LONGEST YEAR....but only got the chance to make em now!
I usually set out Isabel's outfits ahead of time so that I don't have to rely on the Hubby (or Isabel) to put together outfits on their own.....YIKES!  Ha should see the outfits this father and daughter team have come up with in the!

So, these babies I hang onto the hangers with her outfits all made up for the week!
I got some of those wooden slats over at Michael's and covered them with some patterned paper and embellishments.  Way fun!

(Callista!  More goodies from the goodie box here!  He he!)

I did struggle with the Big Bite to make holes so I canned that idea and just hot glued on the ribbon loops.
Unless you're willing to take out the power tools to make those holes, I'd actually suggest cutting up chipboard instead of using the wood.  I'd say these were 1/4" thick...a little too thick for the Big Bite to easily chomp through.  You might even risk breaking it if you try.

Isabel LOVES them!
She thinks I'm so cool....he he.

I'm planning on taking photos of her shoes so that I can hang them on the hangers too.  She loves not having to stress over an outfit.  You see, my child is a worry wart.  Is that common for firstborn children?  I kind of recall being one myself!

While I'm at it, I've got a cool link to share!
A friend of mine shared it with me and I've been able to get some AWESOME ideas from it!

I am on board with ANY great ideas to make Mommyhood easier!
This link talks about think your kid's too young for chores?
They may not be....

(Sherry, thanks for the cool link!)

If you've got any tips of your own, I'd LOVE to hear them!!!!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

stamps + scraps = CARDS!

With October, comes busy busy busy!  There's brithdays, babies, school functions, decorating...WOW!  No time!!!  But I managed to make some time for some fun cardmaking!

I love making chunky, busy cards!

Callista, can you see some goodies from that box of treasures you gave me?
I've got more things I've'll see!!!!

I've got a new niece.  Stay tuned for photos!

I can't stop using grids in my creations.

Today I've designed two DT layouts for AAM and the Ninja's using a grid....
he he....but you can't see them yet!

Have you made any cards lately?


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

home sweet home

Good Wednesday morning to you!!!!  Well, here is my share for my layout for the newest Pink Ninja's prompt...HERITAGE! (Callista...can you see the goodies from the goodie box you gave me?????)

I also used the Kismet/September 2010 kit from Simply Obsessed.

This is a good one!  This is a photo of my family when we lived in Hawaii.  I'll always consider it our home.  We were immigrants from the Philippines, lucky enough to make our way here because dad was in the Navy...and would be for at least 25 years.

I remember the day I became an American Citizen at the young age of 8.  I didn't quite understand what it meant, but I knew it was very that must have been why I recall all the waiting....during the interviewing process....all that time spent kicking stones and dust while outside, standing in lines, baking in the hot sun.....ha ha.

I really wished I could scrap some old photos of my family in the Philippines, but both families had devastating fires which burned up all the old sad.  I will never see what my great grandmother looked like...the one my mother loved so dearly....makes me sad sometimes.  I won't be able to see a photo of my great grandfather with is "high Spanish nose" as my grandmother used to say.  Apparently he was a handsome man....sigh...would have loved to see pictures....

So, hopefully my grandchildren, great grandchildren and other generations to come will see this layout and know where they came from.

Remember this project?   Well, it's featured at the All About Me Challenge blog today on my class/idea post to help with some inspiration!  Hop on over and give me some love!!!!

While your there, check out the last challenge "The Artist in Me" and think about playing along!  Scrap Freak is this month's sponsor!!!

Thanks for stopping you guys!!!!!

Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a'll have to wait and see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A lost Mother's Day photo!

You know how you go through your camera photos and discover treasured scenes from your life you forgot about?????

Well, I awoke mother's day morning to my 7-year-old bringing me breakfast!
She came up with the plan herself!

I almost cried!

This was what my little girl brought for me.....
I'll treasure this memory always....
What would I do without my little girl????

She made my week!

It's times like this that make me so thankful after all the hard work I do trying to make a good childhood for my babies.....

What is one little thing someone did for you that absolutely made your day?


Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Mug and a Fairy...A Fairy and a Mug!

I finally got these things photographed to share!
A couple of weeks ago, my Isabel and I had a "girls day" and spent some time at this ceramics studio!
We chose a couple of pieces to paint.
I chose a mug...since I love...and NEED my coffee in the mornings!

I've never done this before...but had soooo much fun!
You really should try it if you haven't already!
I didn't intend to, but this mug ended up looking like a watermelon!

Isabel pointed it out to me.....
see...the inside looks like watermelon seeds!  LOL!

You can't really see it, but my mug says "Miss Mo's Joe"....

The diameter of the mug is about 6 inches I think! Yeah, it's HUGE!

Isabel decided to create something for her Aunt who has a birthday coming up.
She thought this fairy looked like my sister....

...and she even personalized it by painting "Anty" on her dress....ha ha....I didn't have the heart to tell her it's misspelled!

I can't wait to scrap these photos!

Has the Fall season been keeping you busy?
What have you been up to?


Thursday, October 7, 2010

better late than never....

I have been feeling unwell...but the kind of well that you still need to go to work....yuck.  So, I've had to go to work...grumpy, I might add...and then take a couple days to recover....But today, I'm feeling much better.  I missed my DT layout last week for The Pink Ninja's!  I actually had it completed but SPACED...and realized too late that the challenge was posted!  Eeeek!  Sorry Ninja's!

Just a page I created for a friend.  I love this lil girl!
The prompt is "Pretty in Pink"....(Prompt 47)...
come and play!

Check out what the rest of the Ninja's created!  The layouts are so awesome!!!
