
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sometimes "LADY LUMPS" are a B**CH!

I took this picture about a month ago and thought it was a perfect expression of my current state of mind....unsure but hopeful.  I may be MIA for a little bit.  Got a bit on my plate right now.  And it comes at a time when, for some reason since summertime, I've been thinking more and more about Breast Cancer (should that be capitalized?).  I've come into contact with many friends and family who have dealt with it in some way.

My aunt died recently from breast cancer.  She was a strong, beautiful woman who devoted her life to caring for those she loved.  She was the second mother to her sister who was born with Downs Syndrome and cared for my younger aunt as a mother would...when my Grandmother passed.  I don't know much about her, but what I do know is that she was very loved and she had so much of my Grandmother in her.  It was like a part of Grandma still lived on strongly in her.

So what am I trying to say....hmmmm...I think I just want to flawed as our healthcare system still is better than most.  My aunt lived in the Philippines where there really aren't things like health're lucky to have a job.  And if you don't have the money...well then you don't have any healthcare, honey.  They can and will turn you away if you can't pay whether or not you are dying.  This is not what happened to my Aunt, but I know that they could have detected her breast cancer earlier, had she had something like a mammogram at one point in life BEFORE the cancer was diagnosed at stage 4 and took her life not long after.  She would have learned about self breast exams.  She endured chemotherapy and suffering and finally died worried about her baby sister and who would be left to care for her.  Luckily she also raised a good and equally devoted daughter who is now caring for my youngest Aunt.

Wow, this is a long babbling post....a lot of this is inner voice.  I'm so very thankful for all I have.  And I've said it before, I live in fear that things may get taken away...and here is the point of my post.  I found a lump in my breast the other day.  I felt some tenderness in one breast but really didn't make the connection until Saturday when I had time alone while the kids visited their grandparents.  So I checked for a lump....and found one.  It wasn't easy but I now something felt different in that one side had more flesh in it than normal...cuz I don't have much left after breastfeedfing for 14 months...heh heh. Since I've made it point since last summer to do a monthly breast exam, I became familiar with the feel and consistency of my breast tissue.  So I looked harder and found something.  I'm 33.  I wasn't banking on worrying about this for another 7 years!

I've learned in the last year that keeping things quiet is not necessarily the best thing to do.  I mean, when you're blessed with friends and family, you should reach out.  So, I'd like for you guys to say a little prayer for me and my family and hope that this all works out okay and to pray for me to continue to stay strong and try not to worry.  If you don't pray, I would also accept some good luck and mojo wafted my way!  If you have words of encouragement...would love to hear those too.  I just need help to stay positive because I can't sleep because of all the darn worrying!  So bright and early Monday morning, I am off to the Walk-In clinic for a visit.  Of course, my Mom says she's coming...and Hubbs will stay home with the kiddies.  This may be a long process, I'm sure.  Sigh.

And to maybe pick up the mood here in the blog....I've loaded a song to laugh at!
I love Black Eyed Peas...and I love Fergie!!!!!  (Note for those of you who aren't familiar with the song, it's got a couple a** and maybe the S don't listen if it may offend....just wanted to be sure to warn you.)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Oh....."my lovely lady lumps"...."in the back and in the FRONT"...."no no no no no drama"!
And so as not to leave you with too much melancholy (sorry!)'s some cute family pictures!
We celebrated Gabe's 3rd Birthday at Chuck E Cheese the weekend before Thanksgiving.  He HAD A BLAST!  I mean, the kid was loving being in control.  He had a cup full of tokens and walked to whatever ride he wanted to go on and popped his coin in and on it went!  The look on his face was absolutely priceless!

I love the tongue sticking out!

And this is my absolute fave photo of the day!  Hubby took it actually!

And here's my little sweet and helpful!  She had a wonderful time as well!

Gabe REFUSED to wear the I did...for a little bit!  There's my little Cousin "Dimples" in the orange!  He's so cute!

And here's our attempt at a family photo with Mr. Cheese....ha ha!

Well, thanks everyone for visiting me today!  If anything, I've been able to vent which helps take my mind off of things!  Sorry if I'll be MIA...not yet sure if I will be...maybe blogging will keep me occupied, I don't know.  So either you won't hear from me or you really babbling kinda me all over this blog!  I am apologizing in advance!

Big Hugs!


  1. I'll be thinking of you this morning as you head off to the clinic & keeping you in my prayers that your "lady lumps" are healthy.

  2. Well that just sucks Mo! I am so sorry and will be praying very hard that everything is okay and you stay happy and healthy. You're just so fabulous, hope you're not MIA from the blog for long! :) Let me know if there's anything I can do!

  3. OMG Mo, I hope everything comes out okay!! My prayers are definitely with you and your family today and always. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask....I will do whatever I can from across the country!!! You are the sweetest person and I will be here for you! Oh, I love those pics..what a gorgeous family!!! Happy thoughts I'm sending your way today and praying for you too! Love you girl, Jess

  4. Oh sweet friend....I know the fear that you are facing....I had this happen several years ago and I worried myself sick!!!! First you need to see the doctor and have the needed tests!!! I will be praying for you!!! I will be here for you and you let it all out!!! Life is not perfect.....we are human....and therefore we need to know the good and the bad!!!

    The pics of Gage and the family are just adorable!! TFS!!

    I am with you girlie in prayer and holding you close to my heart!!

  5. fingers and toes crossed that it is benign!!!

    love the pics :D

  6. oh goodness mo!! you are def in my prayers.

    two of my aunts had it as well. :( and i know what it's like to have sick family in the PI. it's so unfortunate there.

    anyway, wishing you the very best and if you're going to be MIA -- you will def be missed. :( hope to hear from you every now and then!

    big hugs to you friend!

  7. (((Mo)))

    I hope it turns out to be nothing serious! Definitely thinking of you!

  8. Sending you lots of prayers and good thoughts! I'm sorry you are having to deal with the worry and fear that this brings, I know from experience how difficult that is. Big hugs!


  9. Mo, I just know that everything will be fine...please update if you can. i am definitely praying for you and keeping you in my you, sweet girl!!

  10. Sending you lots of prayers and good thoughts!

  11. Oh goodness Mo, I am holding on to HOPE and PRAYERS for you and your family. So glad your Gabe had a good birthday and glad you have such a lovely family to hold you close right now. We all wait to hear from you, hopefully soon.
    Best, Robin

  12. sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Love you girl and thank you for being brave enough to share this on your blog. Hugs!

  13. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my dearest dearest mo....ii will be praying for u and hope u keep us updated...sadly...i never do exams on myself...for my body sucks and my 'lumps' (lol!) always are sensitive and tender to touch...basically they hurt like a 'u-know-what' all the time!!! sooooooooooooooo this is one of my biggest fears as i do not touch mine at all because of the everyday pain they are in....i know i'm weird...just trying to lighten your mood and hopefully make u giggle at "wimpy julie" lol lol lol!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooo sorry about your aunt too!!! i hope that all works out....promise me you'll keep us updated???? and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee the u know we took brookie there in october for her bday and hehehehehehehehe...i have a photo of her in front of that SAME duck game!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  14. First off, that is one beautiful photo of you!
    And second, you are going to be fine. Keep your head up! and I am soooo praying for you and your family!!! Please PLEASE email me if you need anything!!! if you need to talk, I will give you my number.
    You are so beautiful inside and out and are so strong. You will see through this, I promise!
    I love you!

  15. Oh, Mo! I am sending much luck your way! I hope everything goes well. My biggest fear is not seeing my kids grow up so I can only imagine the worry you feel.

    On a lighter note, love the bday pics. That lolli one is priceless!


  16. Hi there!
    Prayers and thoughts to you and your family. Please accept my condolences.
    On another note - I will be "lifting" your NO PUSHOVER layout this coming Friday on my blog. I hope you'll stop by and hope others will come by & "play"


  17. Hey Mo....hope all is well! Haven't heard from you in a bit. Keep in touch!

    Love, Emily

  18. I'm thinking of you, such a good post. Love your thoughts.


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