
Friday, November 20, 2009

Mamma Mia!

Spotlight on Handmade!

The internet is AMAZING!  I've been known to waste hours on end on the computer (at least last summer) and as the busy season of Fall arrived, I had to make some tough choices...well, not really tough but some hard choices!  I've had to severely cut my online time...I was spending way too much time on the computer and less time with my kids.  Jessi really got me thinking (thanks girl) and I really had to ration my internet time.  Anyway, here I go babbling about less internet and what do I go telling you about????

My internet surfing finds!!  Ha ha!  I stumbled across this Etsy seller on Twitter (very cool).  Zafirenia is an Etsy seller from Greece (sooo cool) and as I peeked through her store all I could do was gaaaaassssp!  I think her jewelry is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous and the PRICES are amazing!  So, I promptly added several items to my wish list and emailed them to my family...he he!  But I wanted to share this goodness with you!!!

I LOVE that blue flower above and this pink one below!  GORGEOUSNESS!  This jewelry is really my kinda style!  I wish I could design some stuff like day!

And this bracelet is beeeeaaaauuutiful (Julie, you're rubbing off on me!)!  I've been itching to take a trip to the cool antique mall near my home (thanks to Beth P)!  Gee ladies, you guys really seem to infiltrate my everyday life!!!


I love all the colors here!~!  Love it!

Here's part of Zafirenia's bio on her profile:

"I make jewelry for the last 10 years and it started as a hobby! I'm also a psychologist-psychodramatist and I love creating. I try to make fashionable but also time lasting and vintage style designs.   Almost everything inspires me in the material and non-material world. I don't prefer one style from another, but I certainly like a piece of jewelry when it is well-made, feminine and it reveals the mood of it's creator."

And I've had a chance to email back and forth with her...she's really super sweet!  I just can't believe I haven't stumbled across her store yet!  I'm so happy I did!

So, as we all are making up our wish lists..he he...shameful, I know.....(the family DID request I make one up) I thought I would share some cool finds with you all!!!

And some other news.  We celebrated Krystal's birthday last week!  We met up at Red Lobster (yummmmm...I love seafood)!  Emmy, we missed you!!!  We missed you too Hubbs!

Krys and cute!  Bel jumped right up when the ice cream and cake was delivered!  She dug right into the yummy goodness!  So did Gabe!

And a sweet kiss from cute!

And we hitched a ride from Mom and Dad and I find out some really cute things....apparently the kids frequently ask my parents to play the Mamma Mia soundrack...they LOVE it!

I'm sitting next to Gabe and he says "Lola (grandma), I want Mamma Mia!"  So my mom plays the soundtrack....FUN!  Gabe's humming on my right and Isabel is in FULL CONCERT mode on my left....and I think how lucky I am to be so happy!

Of course, I JOIN IN!  Because I LOVE Abba...their songs remind me of my childhood (Dad was a fan too...still is)!  The whole family is singing in the car....the car ride home was sooo fun!

This picture was way too cool.  My thumb sort of directed that red light a certain way and the photo turned out like!

And here's Gabe in the middle of singing.

I LOVE Bel's face here!  My Mom cracked up when she saw this photo!  Bel is gonna kill me when she grows up!
Well, that's my sharing for today!  I thought you'd get a kick outta the funny family photos!


  1. Love all those yummies!!!! I want some of those necklaces..I have got to stop!!!

    Love the pics taken in the car and what a great story...this is what life is all about!!!

    Wishing you a great weekend!!! :-)

  2. Hi Maureen! I haven't visited in a long while - forgive me, but I'm glad to see you are well and you are enjoying life!!! The jewelry was fun and Happy Birthday to Krystal!!!
    xoxo - Robin

  3. OH MY YUMMY VINTAGE GOODNESS!!!! Did you see the little jewels I found on my last night's trip! heee I will see what I can come up with for you. :D
    I am also going to have to check that link out now, too. Thanks ALOT! lol
    Love the pics, especially the red one. You are so cute and so pretty!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love love love love that jewelery and hehehehehehehe I am sooooooooooooooooo HAPPY I am rubbing off on U!!! LOL!!! And those photos are ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Those are beautiful pieces, thanks for sharing the link!!!

  6. heheheh those pics crack me up!!!! :) totally scrap worthy -- but make sure to hide them from bel.. if she sees those when she grows up... yeah, that wouldn't be good! LOL

    pretty necklaces too! me wants! :)

  7. the jewelry is gorgeous, abba is awesome, love the geek shots in the car - too fun :D

  8. wow! look at all the gorgeous jewerly! And looks like the bday was soo much fun! love Abba!

  9. Love these finds - cute!

    Believe it or not, I actually have to schedule a lot of my internet time, like answering emails and reading blogs - other wise, I get too behind or I get distracted!!

  10. Now I have ABBA in my head :) Looks like you all had a blast!!!

    Mo, you won my blog candy, girl - how come you haven't claimed it yet -- you have until Thursday :)


  11. Hi there!

    I just want to share to you some amazing news. I am currently a DT Member of My Scrapbook Nook, a kit club that offers jam packed kits monthly for $28.When you sign up for a 12 month membership now through Sunday you will receive the November kit for FREE plus, you will also receive your 13th month kit for FREE. The kit is always full of goodies sometimes exceeding $35 value but you'll get it for $28 always. Feel free to check it out to see it for yourself at

    If you decide to take part of this amazing deal, please put my name on the referral field ( LG or Lady Grace)

    Thanks for your time!


Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!!! You've brightened my day!