Friday, March 25, 2011

Disneyland Adventure!


I know...I's been a long time....
I'll make up for it...with THIS POST!

I've been creating for Scrapbook News and Review, so I've got TONS of projects to share later!

In the meantime, I've somehow managed to fit in some mini book creating!....JUST BECAUSE!

We're planning on going to Disneyland!  To prepare, I've created this premade mini which I'll be taking with me on our vacation.  I'm planning on journaling in it so I don't have to do it later!

I had my scrumptious Pink Ninja Addicts Kits to use which were SO PERFECT for the feel I wanted for my mini album...bright, whimsical, girly, with a little bit of edge.  The colors are so perfect for Disney!

Inside I've got some real fun goodies to share!
Come take a look!


I used a bunch of transparencies in my album.  I jazzed this one up with a couple rub-ons.  I also used an envelope here.  It was pretty long, about 9 inches tall and so I folded the bottom under to create a pocket which I could tuck in journal cards, calendars and tags.  These items can be journaled on, added to a page later or kept in the pocket.


Here's the other side of my envelope.  Cool huh?  I left some pages for journaling, like the printed paper with the lines.  I could either journal on my envelope or add a photo here.


Here's another section to which I added a transparency.  I left this one blank and later I may add something to it.  I HAD to add some girly lace to the edge of my square piece of cardstock.


I glued an index card and tag to the other side of that piece and jazzed up my envie with a journaling card and canvas tape.  LOVE THIS ENVIE!


A pretty simple spread here...likely I will Pizazzifiy it later.


Oh how I love these pages!  Another awesome envelope and pretty chipboard tag.


Some chipboard pages were added to serve as journaling pages.


I love arranging the layers so you can peek at things to come....


More lovely lace and trim here!


I folded another envelope to create a pocket. These calendar cards were stamped.  Later I plan to add the date and an "X" to mark the date of the journal entry.  I can then journal behind this card or add it to a page with my photo.


More fun pockets!  I love libary cards/pockets.  They're so fun.


I found an old die cut I accidentally misted on.  I added some strips to the chipboard tabbed card here.  I can journal on them later.


The back of that die cut was pretty boring so I misted it and inked the edges.  Beautimous!

This beautiful girl is my new love!  I'll love her even more when I add some awesome family photos!

Hope you enjoyed peeking!  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, March 11, 2011


I read THIS blog post by the Beautiful Elsie, and was quite intrigued.
I'd seen lots of Instagram posts on Facebook and never really understood....
until now.

I am in love.

I am in love with the ease of how it can capture parts of life
you'd forget.  Like today, Monster #1 (aka Baby Girl) and I had a
"Girls Day" out at Starbucks!

Just a couple hours...but it seemed to mean so much to my little angel.

Yesterday I was so happy that Monster #1 and Monster #2 opted for reading
instead of tv.  A proud Mommy Momment, I have to say.
Thank you to the Public Library.

We went back today to pick up a couple books on hold :)

And just because she loves to cheese for the camera, I took another one!

I love how it plays on the imperfection of camera phone photography!

Making sandcastles on PBS website.  He hee!

This is what he made for me.  Muah!

My Facebook status has been riddled with these photos!
I hope my buddies aren't annoyed!  Oh well, I guess they can always unfriend me....
it HAS happened, ya know!  LOL!

What have you been up to?
I've been creating for SNR and am so excited to see the next issue!

If you haven't thought of submitting for publication, you really should!
I am astounded by all the ideas I get from clicking through the magazine.
I've been playing in my scraproom lately and I'm so happy.
Funny how it makes doing chores so much easier....I'm always thinking
"The faster I get this done, the faster I get to creating!"

I play on my own guilt!

I'm deep into my Hybrid class at Jessica Sprague called
Mouse, Paper, Scissors.
It's brought me to some journaling which I quite miss.
Amazing how this prompts you to create.

And this one is from the QuadCamera app which I also enjoy!

I love it when I ask him how his day was at Preschool.
He's so animated!  He's pretty good with recalling events of the day at 4!

I remember asking Monster #1 about Kindergarten and I'd get a blank stare and a
"I don't remember!".

Just goes to show....this one's a WATCHER.
I'm on to you Monster #2!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the goings on...through the hubby's eyes

Just a peek into life through Hubby's eyes.  I raided his Facebook Photos to see what he's taken of the kiddies while I'm at work and I found some cool stuff.

Gabe's first day of preschool 21

We put Monster #2 in Preschool.
He is enjoying it very much.

Gabe's first day of preschool

It's amazing how much more well-behaved your children are
when you're NOT around!
I have not heard a peep from his teachers about any bad behavior.
Crossing my fingers.

Gabe's first day of preschool 3
His best friend is my cousin. He he. I love that.

Hubby's sweet cousin gave us a gift card and we went to
Chandler's in Seattle.

Hubby's food.  Yummo!

And some photos of my cousins playing Jenga.
They are so adorable!
That FACE!

Jenga 2
I'm not sure why my cousin is wearing stripes with those plaid flannel pants!
He's usually pretty well put-together!

I've GOT to take more photos with my iPhone!
Sometimes I miss some great things because I'm too wrapped up on how
I don't know where my camera is...
DUH!....My iPhone is usually stuck to my hands!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm loving....

Adele....I love her amazing voice

and this song from Burlesque

And this idea about using cereal boxes from Scarlett...on Scrapbook News and Review home page!
So cool!  CHECK IT OUT!