
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Published!....and Falling...

TONS of surprises for you today!

We're one day late for the next challenge at All About Me, but for good reason!  Challenge #21 asks you What's YOUR FEAR?  As some of my bloggy friends may know, I have many.  And sadly, SOME have nearly come true, but God had other plans and gave me an extension on life...he he!  But I am veering off the subject!  One of my HUGE fears is FALLING!  I'm afraid of the point of panick attacks.  I have to do breathing exercises going up elevators of VERY tall buildings (YES, THIS WASHINGTONIAN HATES THE SPACE NEEDLE)!  I can't look out windows from high for too long....and forget about peering over a balcony!  Yikes!  But that's not all.  I can't even look at it on tv!  If someone is on a ledge I get sick, if the camera shot is overlooking the street from up high I turn my head, if my kids are NEAR a window or balcony, I watch and let them enjoy...but then say after a few minutes "Get away from there or you'll give me a heart attack!"  Yes, friends, I too have issues!  Don't let my cheery smile fool you!

And since I'm usually quite long-winded, I couldn't say this all on my layout because it would take away from it I wrote a quick poem....ha ha!

My legs turn to jell-o when I think about being up HIGH….or when I see someone too close to the edge, looking down below. My heartbeat quickens, I can’t seem to breathe. I pray for the moment to pass and that TWISTING in my heart to ease, with the return to SAFETY.

And this leads into my NEXT surprise.......I'VE BEEN PUBLISHED!  He he.  This layout is in
Scrap Street Magazine because the All About Me blog was featured!  And along with myself, my talented AAM ladies have also been part of this honor!  Wooooohoooo!
Check the article out HERE!

Gosh, it feels so good for all of us!  We've created and shared out of love and we're getting recognized!  I'm so happy for AAM and Melissa and the rest of the DT!  They're so talented!

Once again, I created with my FAVE Pink Ninja Addicts Kit....Accidentally Kelly!  Ninja Masters...I dunno how you do it month to month, but your kits are so rockin' cool!

Another surprise....ready?  WE HAVE A SPONSOR THIS MONTH!  Yah!  So now, you HAVE to play along!  Come on!  You know you want to!

Who is it you ask? will have to go to AAM to find out!  In the interest of being lazy...ha ha...I will let Melissa take it away...she'll reveal the rest of the surprises to you!  So give my AAM girls some love by checking it out and commenting!  They love it when you visit!

So...what's one of your fears?



  1. I'm soooooooooooo scared of falling too,, and heights,, and piers at the beach,, and tall stairs and bridges,,, yuck!!! So scary to me!!!!!!! Butttt the good thing is that this layout is so rad!!! So, so, SO rad!!!! I'm really happy you're happy with this kit,,, that's the best part - congrats on bing published - you deserve it lady!!!
    {xoxo} ally

  2. Congrats on the pubbing!! And I love that page! :)

  3. OMYGOSH! Mo...I have A TOTAL fear of heights too....seriously...I can't even watch Adam when he is on a ferris wheel....scares the heck out of me...i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your is GORGEOUS!! And CONGRATS on the pub! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Love this one.....I just adore the colors and the journaling is PERFECT!!! Congrats on the PUB!!! YIPPEE!!! I am so happy for you!!!

    Have a great one sweet friend!!!

  5. LOVE your layout! It is GORGEOUS! The colors are amazing- the kit you used looks like a ton of fun!

  6. I really really really...seriously...really love your LO! yoour photo's so pretty, the colors and elements work really eyecatchingly awesome...<3

  7. Such a cool layout. Love the blue and pink color combo. Congrats on the pub!

  8. Awesome layout! Love the colors and that flower is uber cool! Your fear reminded me of my dd, whom I took up in a lighthouse last week. Up, up, 219 stairs in a tight circle we went and when we finally got to the top? Yep, she said "lets go back down NOW." LOL

  9. already told you i love this l/o!!! and congrats on the pub!!!!!! very cool.

  10. great page - great idea to scrap your fears :D

  11. Yea, I'm not crazy about falling either, esp from a PLANE- my biggest fear of all! I am SOOO happy for you regarding the pub! Congratulations girl!!! That is awesome!!! xOxO

  12. Congrats on the publishing toot ! woot !
    I too have a fear of heights at times ,

    & before I forget - Happy 4th of July weekend !!!

    God Bless America & you & your fam ! ;)

    & look at that yummy Pink Ninjas' kit ! lucky girl !!

  13. Congratulations on being published!!! You really do have amazing scrap pages!!!! You deserve it. :o)

    Um...I sorta feel queezy at certain heights...but yet, I think I would love to try to Zip line and parasail (that is , if my hubby was tandem or beside me). And I always get the urge to climb up into the branches of a huge the ones in down town Savannah, that doesnt seem to make sense with my slight uneasiness with heights!

    Um...another fear...that you don't get a chance to stop by my place...jk! But I would love to see ya! My hubby and son are at a friend's watching UFC, so I get some alone time to do some blog reading!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (Have a safe and happy July 4th!)

  14. Just gorgeous! I love that flower!


Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!!! You've brightened my day!