
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Out with the OLD.....

Aaaaaahhhhhh.  As much as I LOVE the Holidays....I am soooooo relieved when it's over!!!!
I have had good food and seen my family almost everyday for some reason or another.  My sis Emmy is visiting from California and I am sooo appreciative of my family.

I've had some recent fun news but will share someday soon!...heh heh

I just wanted to say how thankful I am for all of you and for all the goodness in my life.  I actually sat there on Christmas day at a family party just looking around and I was tearing up because I was just so darn happy for supportive family, great family friends, good food, health, peace and just having the job I do (even though I complain).

This past year we've done some great things as a family and we've got MAJOR plans next year.  I took TONS of photos this year and I am so proud of myself.  I've also expanded my scrapping skills and had the opportunity to nurture and develop it!  It's amazing the growth! I am a PISCES...I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some CHANGE!  So, I'm working on my Resolutions and plans for the New Year!  I'm playing around with some new bloggy things and I may even retitle the blog!

I hope to keep to the Man of the Week because I enjoy doing them....and I hope you all do too!  I just have had many unexpected issues in the last couple months so slacked a bit on the posting on Mondays...sorry! I'm working on my resolutions...I'm curious....WHAT ARE YOURS?



  1. I don't like to say resolutions, b/c if I do for some reason I never keep them!! But I need change, and I'm going to work harder at everything...learning photography(I need to read read read!!), at scrapbooking, at being a mom, a good wife, and a good daughter and sister. I am just grateful for a new fresh year. This past one has been sorta rough for the family. I just made a layout about 2010 and I can't wait to finish it and share it! Oh, and I have found some new things to try too. The next year for me will be all about change and trying harder! Love, Jess

  2. loveeeeeeeeeeeee the new blog header...and can't wait to hear your news....hopefully tonight after work i will be sharing my new years blog post!! lol!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Just love you girlie and I want to take this time to wish you and your wonderful family a Very Happy New Year....filled with happiness, good health, much love and many smiles!!!!

    I have so enjoyed your Blog this past year and can't wait to the new things you are planning!!!

    LOVE YA!!xxoo

  4. ahh, resolutions only remind me what the road to hell is paved with LOL :D never seem to keep em LOL :D

    wishing you all the best in the new year (and can't wait to see some men of the week LOL) ;D

  5. So happy to have become friends with you this year. I've had a good friend year. :o) I'm with you - I look forward to the holidays but am always relieved to see them pass, get on to thoughts of changing and improving things. I've spent waaaaaaaaaay too many months not watching what i'm eating and it's soooo catching up to me. I, too, hate to call them resolutions but I am committing to getting healthy and achieving my goal weight again. TRYING to meet deadlines ~ahem~ early instead of minutes before they're due. Kicking my inner sailor to the curb, or at least keeping her away from sensitive ears. Curbing my hot temper. Becoming more "zen". Can't wait to hear your exciting news!!! (teehee) Love your header pic...are those rubons? Inspired! Hugs, hugs, hugs to you my dear! ~heart~ Heidi

  6. I don't make resolutions because I would be a failure if I did! LOL! But I do have some changes planned for the new year... like getting on that stupid treadmill that is collecting dust in the guest room, planning meals so that I eat better, getting together with friends and family more... things like that. I also would like to make up a ton of cards to have on hand for the year.
    Happy New Year to you and I am so glad to have "met" you! Love your blog and all your creativeness and your photos!

  7. Like your new blog look a lot. :)
    I guess you could say these are "resolutions"... I'm going to be working out a lot more (swimming when it warms up) so I hope to shed some pounds.. we found a church we'll be going to regularly so I will definitely be focusing on my faith.. and I want to make more of an effort to be conscious and patient and breathe, and not let the things that I can't control get the best of me.

  8. Hey baby!! did you see how much those boots are? They are not expensive at all! you need to save that link.
    and I am so grateful for you,too! I am so glad we met online and I sooo hope one day we will meet IRL...wouldn't that be a blast??! We would probably get arrested !hahah
    I have some "goals" that I want to accomplish this year. I had resolutions last year and they didn't pan out. They did, however, get me closer to actually achieving them...if that makes any sense. I feel like I am more ready to attain them this year.
    Anyhoo! Can't wait to read your resolutions!
    love you!

  9. i don't make resolutions because i don't keep them. LOL.... but i do have overall goals every year.

    and yup, i know how those Pisces are because like you know... i am one too! ;)

    anyway, wanted to drop in and say happy new year to you and your fam!

    here's to another great year!



Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!!! You've brightened my day!