
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Hello Again friends!
More Digi Madness coming your way!
Once again, Sketchy Thursdays came through with another fabulous sketch!
Pefect for digi practicing!!!

Last September, I participated in the Aflac Iron Girl Run/Walk and had way more fun than I could have ever imagined with my girls!  I think our #1 motivation (for those of us that were walking and talking together) was breakfast at Patty's Eggnest!  Yum!  I added a photo of my breakfast to the layout....practiced a new technique.  Likey?  Pretty cool huh?

So what if I consumed more calories than I burned!  It was the FUN that counted!

We're planning to do it again this year!

If you love sketches, you may want to check out this crop!
My Sketch World Sketch-a-Thon
Running from Feb 1 to 20th...but you'll have till the 3rd of March to upload!
Seems like there are alot of prizes to be had...but this is perfect for me to get some creating and practice done!

Here's my layout!

I used the Feb 1st sketch ;)
Get ready to see more!!!!!


  1. Great Sketch and I adore the Digi!!! Look at you go!!!! Love the breakfast!!!

    Wishing you a great one!!!

  2. Soooooooooooooo AWESOME Mo! I love love love those photos, the colors...and YUMMY BREAKFAST!!! Thanks sooooooooooooo much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Oh Mo, these are are super! I just love the first one! I'm so hopeless at digi scrapping. LOL

  4. Great layouts, I love that you didn't walk for the sake of walking. Being able to talk makes the walking so much less mundane. :-D

  5. love the translucent pic in the first lo :D

  6. Loving these both! Your digi is wonderful, lovethe title and colors!
    Thanks so much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays!

  7. I adore both of these, especially love the fun colors! Thanks for joining the fun at Sketchy Thursdays this week, come play again!!

  8. Go Mo! I love running races with my becomes a social event that way. The food (or beer) after is always well earned. ;)
    Super cute layouts!!


Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!!! You've brightened my day!